SDSPLS 41st Annual Convention

Exhibit and Sponsor Opportunities

The South Dakota Society of Professional Land Surveyors (SDSPLS) Annual Convention is the perfect opportunity for attendees to acquire continuing education, catch up with peers, and interact with industry partners. We're proud to say nearly 200 people attended last year's convention in Deadwood, and we look forward to seeing even more attendees in Mitchell!

As an Exhibitor or Sponsor, the SDSPLS Convention is THE annual event for you to showcase your company, as well as your survey equipment, supplies, accessories, software, and survey related business items.  In addition to interacting with attendees, you also have a number of ways to show your support of SDSPLS and/or the SDSPLS Scholarship Program by donating auction items and door prizes, sponsoring a meal or break, or one of the many other ways outlined below. If you have an additional sponsorship idea, other than those included below, please contact Nancy in the SDSPLS office at 605.951.1004 or via email.

 We appreciate your sponsorship or donation to the SDSPLS 42nd Convention and thank you in advance for your continued support of SDSPLS and the industry.

Read on for more detailed descriptions of each Exhibitor and Sponsorship opportunity, then register for your selections via the Conference Registration Portal by clicking HERE!

See you in Mitchell!


All prices stated are for Early Registration completed prior to 12/18/2024. A $50 late fee will be applied to all registrations following 12/18/2024. Convention door prize and auction donations are greatly appreciated as part of the of your sponsorship!

Bronze Sponsorship Package: $500 -- Includes:  

  • Logo on the SDSPLS website and all printed Convention materials
  • Logo on Convention banner
  • Print material in Welcome Packet for all attendees
  • Sustaining Membership in SDSPLS for 2025 (includes logo in Backsights and Foresights newsletter)

Silver Sponsorship Package: $1,000 -- Includes all the items in the Bronze Sponsorship Package, plus:  

  • Logo on the SDSPLS website and printed Convention materials at a scale 25% larger than a Bronze Sponsor
  • Signage and recognition at the Convention, including display of your banner
  • Dedicated social media advertising

Gold Sponsorship Package: $1,500 -- Includes all the items in the Silver Sponsorship Package, plus:  

  • Logo prominently displayed on the SDSPLS website and printed Convention materials at a scale 25% larger than a Silver Sponsor
  • Signage and recognition at the Convention, including display of your banner in a prominent location
  • Recognition of Gold Sponsorship at the SDSPLS Banquet


Exhibitor: $300 (Prior to 12/18. A $50 late fee will be applied to all registrations after 12/18.) Includes:

  • 6' x 6' display table with two chairs
  • Recognition as Sponsor of the Exhibitors' Icebreaker and Scholarship Auction.
  • Additional tables or equivalent space for the same Exhibitor may be purchased for an additional $100 each.
  • Exhibitor set-up begins Wednesday, January 8, 2024, at 7 am.
  • Exhibits will be featured during general Convention registration, beginning at 8:00 am, January 8h, through the start of the Convention sessions at 10:00 am, during the afternoon break, and during the Exhibitors' Icebreaker and Scholarship Auction from 5:00 - 9:00 pm. The Exhibit Hall will be closed and secured no later than 10:00 pm.
  • Exhibits may remain in place through Friday morning at the Exhibitor's discretion, however, tear down must be completed by Noon Friday.
  • Convention door prize and auction donations are greatly appreciated from our Exhibitors!

The following opportunities are also available for sponsors or donors, as indicated. Sponsorships will be listed in the Conference Program and announced prior to the sponsored event.

  • Friend of SDSPLS: $150 (Includes small logo in the Convention Program)
  • Convention Break Sponsor: $200 (Multiple Available)
  • Past President & Guest Breakfast Sponsor: $300 (One Available)
  • Convention Breakfast Sponsor: $300 (Only One Remaining Available!)
  • Convention Lunch Sponsor: $400 (SOLD OUT!)
  • Convention Banquet Sponsor: $400 (SOLD OUT!)
  • Live Scholarship Fundraising Auction Sponsor: $400 (SOLD OUT!)
  • Auction Item and/or Door Prize Donation (Please indicate on Registration Form)
  • Find a Surveyor | Business Directory Website Listing: $50 (Members Only)

SDSPLS is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.  

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